A norm is a rule. So whoever's rules you choose to live by is a version of 'normal'.
For Christians normality is living by the values and priorities laid down by Jesus Christ.
For others the normality is different.
do you think that when people leave the religion that they are basically now, “normal”?
or do you think it’s more a work in progress?.
A norm is a rule. So whoever's rules you choose to live by is a version of 'normal'.
For Christians normality is living by the values and priorities laid down by Jesus Christ.
For others the normality is different.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
Hi Atlantis
I've survived a lot. You look back and realise that actually you are sometimes better off alone, even if you'd never choose to have it that way.
In my next video I mention a sis from Italy who married one being groomed to be an elder. He was a cruel man and gaslighted his wife. She was not allowed to speak. The elders joined together as an old boys' club and protected the one they wanted to make an elder.
When a newly interested person joined the cong, he (the newly interested one) could see that her eyes were screaming at him, "these people are mad." He never forgot that look. He knew she needed help but did not know how to help her. Later she killed herself.
So better to find out now that someone is going to wipe their feet all over you than marry that person and find out then.
People don't half kick you in the teeth sometimes. But once you understand that is what some so and sos do and it's no reflection on yourself it does help. It's a massive comfort. You learn that in order to protect your feelings you need to turn away from those people until they learn how to behave with genuine loving kindness.
Hope Petra is feeling better in Switzerland.
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
Oh and incidentally Petra - if this document that might be worthless is the one tied up with water rights... well when i heard that I thought 'oooh.'
We have been chatting about it over here
you are what she wanted to be!please, let us remove any blame to anyone right up front.
what happened to petra was not the fault of mark o'donnell, listener, corney, mike and kim, or anyone else.. constant rejection and shunning even at an early age, the depression was storing up inside of her.
she was shunned inside the hall and outside the hall.
Petra you have got to know how precious and loved you are. People have been so happy to receive the documents you have made available whether they are useful to them or not.
And your humour along with your goreous hair is utterly delightful. No one wants to see that go or see the smile on your face drop.
Even if you feel you have made a mistake, would you like to look at my list of mistakes? Sometimes I feel that if there were only 3 words I could ever use, 'yes', 'no' and 'sorry', sorry is the word I would use most often.
(Psalm 130:3) . . .If errors were what you watch, O Jah, O Jehovah, who could stand?
I couldn't. But I do and so do you... because your are loved more than you'll ever know.
Now I've made you a frothy coffee and you have a choice of donuts.
volcano eruptions and tsunamis kill at large scale and very often, without warning.
how do believers explain these away?
jehovah's witnesses say that humans die and suffer due to the original sin, but what do volcano's and tsunamis have to do with it?
Living in a dangerous place where you can manage the dangers is one things. But not everyone is able to. However an individual would be wise to note the dangers and get out. The fact they are not getting out does not mean it is God's fault.
If there was no warning, was that really the case? Or could it be that relations with others had broken down, therefore the group in the know did not bother passing on the message that Mount Vesuvius was about to blow.
Also, active volcanos are tourist attractions.
Tsunamis - not so much for obvious reasons. But providing everyone is at a safe distance you can guarantee there would be an appreciative audience. In this country we sometimes get rough seas and warning are put out not to go near the sea. So what happens? Yes you still find an audience and often someone has gone surfing too. I notice in Australia some people go surfing with sharks.
The Bible advocates against putting your or other people lives in jeopardy. But this does not stop people from tombstoning. Nor does it stop high speed racing where cars have been know to career off the track and kill members of the audience and the driver.
And even if you are being careful, sad fact is accidents happen. So stay alert and don't numb your senses. Also love your neighbour as yourself. They might have some useful warnings they could share with you.
russia's reason for banning jehovah's witnesses is said to be due to extremism.
but what exactly does that mean, or refer to?
specifically, what practice (or practices) of jehovah's witnesses does russia consider to be extreme?
If I remember correctly Joseph Rutherford got put in prison because of the Finished Mystery. A book that explained every verse of the Bible prophecies of Revelation and Ezekiel. By1920 he had been released and was helpfully explaining that the world had legally ended.
Without any cost, absolutely free for $6.50 (you are just paying for the handling and paper cost (at a bargain wholesale rate)) he was now distributing Studies in the Scriptures. With them, your Bible would become a new book to you. Hmm wonder what the title was?
Just a stab in the dark, maybe Russia still understands the concept of blasphemy and suspects it can negatively impact the population.
Communication becomes tricky when you mess with semantics.
if you live in the u s a or the united kingdom, this is how the wt society views your government, your nation :-.
yes, as an ugly, evil terrifying beast !
this is based on the book of revelation chapter 13 , quoted as follows in the revelation climax book.
If you look at education there are links between the establishment of places like Harvard and Yale.
when i say; “socialist” i don’t mean everyone is equal.
instead i am referring to “leaders” being rich and powerful, whereas the ordinary citizen being poor, and powerless.. i was surprise that the majority of the world is run by socialist government.
the last few countries that are not socialist are the united states and parts of europe.
Communism with a king (maybe I don't know). But not Socialist. You can't vote for Communism. It comes about via history. You have to hit a specific date/time period and boom, you are in power. I think WT has banked on it. Wrong date but nothing a bit of spin wont cure.
Same old 3-staged theory of progress/pyramidiot ideas from August Comte and Saint Simon.
Saint-Simon had consistently appealed to monarchial authority from his first petitions to Napoleon until his last appeal for a New Christianity to the leaders of the Holy Alliance.
i find it very disturbing that media outlets as well as facebook, instagram, google and others decide that a point of view is not acceptable simply because they don’t share an opinion.
perhaps it is at least right now but i think it’s very wrong.
what’s your view?
When describing WT methods to a Liberal in the UK, I was informed that WT is just like the Labour Party. It gags those who go off message.
WT's authority rests on dodgey maths. WT does not own numbers. Computers run on numbers - if you don't let the programmers add up, you wont get much in the way of updates. And no the computer does not program itself.
(Isaiah 40:15) . . .Look! The nations are as a drop from a bucket; and as the film of dust on the scales they have been accounted. . .
seeing on another post here about former jws throwing away literature.
i am curious as to the various opinions on there value.. for me i have been inactive for 3 years almost 4. i still have alot of books and of course all their bibles ever produced (except a few from the 1800s.).
in my opinion i think there are four books the jws produced that are useful:.
As DesirousOfChange said the literature is useful for exposing them as false prophets. It also shows they are birlliant at psychology, semantics and social engineering.
The Watchtower staff who put this media content together are very, very clever.